
Endorsement Application Answers:

Attorney General





Kimberly Dudik

Raph Graybill







Seeking MTPD Endorsement?



Do you consider yourself a progressive?



If elected will you join the Progressive Legislative Caucus?



How do you define progressive?

Progressive means someone who moves our state forward, making progress, dealing with issues that have been ignored for too long.

As a progressive, I am committed to equality, equity, justice, and a livable world for all people. The root word in progressive is “progress”—recognition of the urgency in progressives’ message, as well as the foundational idea that the work of social reform is never finished.

The progressive platform demands social, political, and economic change in tandem.

We progressives work for change both through the traditional political processes and through larger social movements.

We're skeptical of the given order and do not unthinkingly accept the ideological structures that promote or justify inequality and the status quo. Neo-liberal political and economic approaches have brought us to this pinnacle moment of a climate catastrophe, economic disaster, and healthcare fallout. We progressives must not show fealty to the current social and political conditions that brought us to this moment, and we must be unafraid to advocate for dramatic changes to the social, political, and economic order.

Progressives adopt intersectional approaches, recognizing the unique forms of inequality and discrimination that occur in the overlap between social class, race, gender, and sexual identity. Progressives are also committed to environmental justice, and to empowering the voices of young people.

The ambitious goals of our progressive platform do not mean that we are any less committed to winning in traditional political contests. Rather, progressives approach these contests unafraid to advocate for bold solutions, and with the view that candid and passionate advocacy for structural change will be more successful than copying conservative ideologies or watering-down progressive causes which only serves the entrenched wealthy interests and the status quo.

Are there specific progressive positions or issues you support or that you would like to champion?

I am running for Montana Attorney General because we deserve an Attorney General who will truly be the people’s attorney. As Attorney General I will
1. champion protection of citizens’ rights,
2. protect consumers, and
3. reform our criminal justice systems.

More details of these issues are as follows.
Protect our rights:
I will champion protection of citizens’ rights, including everything from protecting our right to health care, right to a clean and healthful environment, right to free and fair elections, and right to equality for all. I will use position to push for energy reform in Montana to move away from coal and grow more renewable energy.
I will fight for equal rights and use my office to push for ratification of the ERA. I will also expand on the work the Attorney General does regarding civil rights and discrimination, especially with the rise in hate crimes we have seen over the past 4 years.
I will monitor our elections and our right to vote to ensure they are proceeding fairly. I will be a vocal advocate of our right to vote and work with citizens and other governmental entities to ensure the right to vote is not violated. I will also propose legislation to require more transparency and truthfulness in election materials and limit the influence of dark money in our elections. I have a detailed plan on protecting our elections.
I will do more to give the Native American Community a voice within state government. We need a statewide leader who will prioritize working with our tribal nations, collaborating, and working together to solve the problems we face together. I will establish a formal Native American Affairs Office in the Attorney General's office to fully collaborate on these issues and improve these communities.
I will fight for our right to health care and push back against any attempt to roll back access to this right. I will also hold insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies accountable for treating citizens fairly and ensure they are not price-gouging or price-fixing insurance and pharmaceuticals.
I will fight enforce our right to a clean and healthful environment. I will will use my position to fight back against federal rollbacks to the EPA and hold polluters and corporate bad actors accountable. I will fight to keep our public lands in public hands and fight any attempts to sell them off.

Protect consumers:
I will be the independent watchdog we need. I will fight to vigorously protect consumers, making sure corporations whether they are drug companies or mining companies - do not hurt everyday Montana citizens. I have a detailed plan for how to hold drug companies accountable and lower the cost of prescription drugs.
I will continue to fight for affordable health care and protect Medicaid Expansion. I will hold drug companies accountable for their pricing and investigate them for price gouging and price fixing and fight any attempt to roll back ACA protections.

Reform our criminal justice system:
We need a fair, equitable, and just criminal justice system that works to get people out of the criminal justice system by providing help with mental health care, chemical dependency, housing, and employment.
I have implemented changes in these areas already by starting the only state-funded holistic defender program in the nation and reforming our criminal justice laws to so that they provide people a pathway our of the criminal justice system.
I would further progress in this area by increasing treatment courts, pretrial diversion programs, deferred prosecution programs, and advocating for additional mental health and chemical dependency treatment programs.
I would also further policies to adequately deal with the level of intrafamilial violence in our communities, especially that against women and children that has been underdressed for too long.

For decades, corporations and other wealthy interests have stealthily hijacked America’s legal system, to undermine the rights that working people in America fought and died for—the right to organize their labor, the expansion of suffrage and limits on money in our elections, the fundamental right of individual economic empowerment, environmental protections and the right to clean air and clean water, and so much more. With these rights under attack, and a complicit federal government and legal system that favors wealthy and corporate interests, our Attorney General in Montana must stand up for our values, but Tim Fox has been asleep for the last 8 years.

We have a real opportunity in 2020 to fundamentally reimagine what the Attorney General’s office means for working people—to forge a new balance between entrenched power and those without it. As provided in our progressive state constitution, the AG’s position is a structural check on power: on concentrated private economic power and on runaway government power that no longer works for people. Traditionally, state AGs played this balancing role. I’ll reinvigorate it, pursuing a progressive agenda to:

-Continue the fight against dark money, to ensure that our elections belong to people and not corporations or a wealthy few
-Stand up for privacy and net neutrality against big telecoms
-Implement, on day one, automatic voter registration through the Motor Vehicle Division
-Through litigation and enforcement, push back on the power of big pharmaceutical corporations to manipulate drug prices and steal from Montanans who need life-saving medications
-Pursue reforms in the criminal justice system that reduce needless incarceration, and empower Montanans to remain healthy, in the community, and, where possible, working
-Stand up to insurance companies and enforce consumer protection laws against abuses, particularly if our state auditor won’t
-Protect the privacy of a woman’s individual healthcare decisions, including the constitutional right to seek abortion care services without the harassment of the State
-Defend public education from privatization schemes
-Enforce Montana’s environmental laws and vindicate the Constitutional guarantee to a “clean and healthful environment for this and future generations”
-Protect Montana’s public lands from conservative schemes to privatize them for the wealthy
-Respect and partner with Montana’s native communities, ensuring fairness and a respect for tribal sovereignty in all dealings with the State of Montana—and stand up for Montana’s native communities where the federal government won’t
-Lead litigation to make the United States to recognize the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment

List ways you would like MTPD help.

field support, phone calls, fundraising support

I hope to partner with MT Progressive Dems to build a grassroots statewide organization to bring new voters into our movement, and communicate with independent voters, moderate Democrats, and even Republicans about the values we share and the policies that those values have led us, as progressives, to support.

As a younger Montanan, I also hope to mobilize other younger Montanans to get involved in the political process. I am excited by MT Progressive Dems' express organizational commitment to lifting up the voices of young people in Montana. I believe that we can work together to organize young people to help us win both elections and the broader social movement that our vision of change will require.


Candidate Daniel Carlino Monica Tranel
website Carlino2020.com www.tranelforpsc.com
Facebook Facebook.com/CarlinoforMT facebook.com/tranelforpsc
Seeking MTPD Endorsement? Yes Yes
Do you consider yourself a progressive? Yes Yes
If elected will you join the Progressive Legislative Caucus? Yes Yes
How do you define progressive? Someone who is willing to speak the truth of what needs to happen to have policies embedded in environmental, social, and racial justice at the core. Progressive candidates stand for the everyday Montanan every time, not corporate interests. I believe in the values of celebrating diversity, political integrity, activism, empowerment, justice, and respectfulness that the MT Progressive Democrats hold, and will actively work to promote them.

As it relates to the Public Service Commission (PSC), it’s clear that the PSC has abandoned Montanans in favor of the monopolies it regulates. Ten years of an all-Republican PSC has brought us childish political infighting, failure to show up for work, falling asleep at public hearings, the stifling of Montana’s renewable energy industry, and an increase to our electric bills of more than 20%. The current spying and partisanship has distracted from the real work of the Commission, taken a toll on staff, and is demoralizing for everyone.

We need to restore integrity, hard work and the focus on fighting for Montanans rather than monopolies to the PSC. These are progressive values and should cross party lines.

I decided to run for this office when my wind client was shut down by the PSC and the Commissioners said things like, “climate change isn’t real” and “wind turbines fly off and kill people.” The current PSC is not following facts, science, or law when making decisions. It’s unacceptable and the stakes of climate change are too high for us not to act swiftly and diligently, in response.

We need commissioners who recognize the urgency of creating a modernized energy system. I’ve worked with ranchers and renewable energy developers to get wind, solar, and hydro projects built across MT. Montana Conservation Voters, climate change scholar and Nobel laureate Dr. Steve Running.

I am committed to guiding Montana towards a renewable, reliable, and affordable energy future.
Are there specific progressive positions or issues you support or that you would like to champion?  100% renewable energy transition, uplifting frontline communities, a Green New Deal I will guide Montana towards a reliable, affordable, renewable energy future.
• I will enhance the reliability of Montana’s energy system through improved storage and better access to regional energy markets.
• I will support fair pricing of renewable energy to promote its growth.
• I will incentivize utilities to invest in conservation.

I will fight for all Montanans to have the opportunity to generate their own electricity.
• As an attorney, I’ve worked with ranchers to bring solar to their operations to power their irrigation systems and for the right to have wind farms on their ground.
• I will promote distributed generation: an abundance of small, local generators including rooftop and community solar.

I will champion fair rates for Montanans, making sure money stays in Montanans’ pockets, rather than being sent to shareholders of out-of-state corporations.
• I have a track record of advocating for Montanans and ratepayers, from my time at the Montana Consumer Counsel to my lawsuits against monopolies like Northwestern Energy.
• I successfully prevailed on two cases where NWE was claiming it was entitled to replacement power costs when Colstrip and Dave Gates Generating were off line, keeping ten million dollars in Montana rather than going to NWE.

I am committed to hard work, professional competence, strong relationships with the PSC’s expert staff, and openness and transparency with the public. I understand the utilities the PSC regulates and will bring a critical eye to their work. I am well-positioned to sort through the spreadsheets and technical papers to bring to light important information to ensure increased transparency for ratepayers. I am the best candidate to go toe to toe with monopolies and win.

I am committed to fighting for Montanans and guiding us towards a reliable, affordable, renewable energy future.

List ways you would like MTPD help. Phone bank volunteer support, email/social media support, contacting the progressive Dems members to GOTV, and fundraising support Our campaign has an incredible crew of volunteers across Montana who are making calls to voters, inviting their friends to online forums and spreading the word about our race to their neighbors and family. It would be great to share these activities and volunteer opportunities with your membership.


  SD45 SD45
Candidate Ellie Hill Erica Siate
website www.elliehillsmith.com N/a
Facebook Ellie Hill Smith Erica Siate
Seeking MTPD Endorsement? Yes Yes
Do you consider yourself a progressive? Yes Yes
If elected will you join the Progressive Legislative Caucus? Yes Yes
How do you define progressive? Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. I support Medicare for all. Climate change is the crisis of our generation and I support the Green New Deal and efforts to stop coal and the pipeline. The gap between rich and poor is now the widest it’s been in 50 years. I believe we need to expand workers rights to join unions and we need to pass a $15.00 federal minimum wage. I would never support ongoing Right to Work efforts. Free public college used to be a gateway to the American Dream and we need to eliminate student loan debt. I plan to introduce tuition free college for some students next session. I believe in immigrant rights and comprehensive immigration justice – which includes a moratorium on deportations, humane policies for asylum seekers, the closing of detention centers, and reunification for families. I have always fought the racists anti-immigrant policies introduced in the Montana legislature. As a licensed attorney, I will fight next session to stop this system of injustice and end the practice of corporations profiting off the suffering of incarcerated people and their families. Access to housing and support for co-occurring disorders and mental illness is my legislative niche and passion. And, I support peace-- as a political value-- and I work, personally, to dismantle the military industrial complex and end our endless wars - once and for all. Ensuring that revenue and programs are for people and the planet rather than corporations.
Are there specific progressive positions or issues you support or that you would like to champion?  I have plans to introduce legislation related to homelessness and housing for mental illness, expanding health care for vulnerable populations, eliminating college tuition for subsets of students, including foster children, a corner-crossing bill (which vastly opens public lands), a bill closing a loophole for gun purchases, and an array of other progressive ideas. I have taken a session off since serving in the Montana House of Representatives for four sessions, 2010-2018, so I am pretty fired up! I also want to hold my Democratic colleagues accountable for their positions, when they vote for anti-progressive values and I hope to work with the Progressive Dems during the session to message a scorecard and educate the other elected officials. The end of cannabis prohibition.
List ways you would like MTPD help. I would like to use the MT Progressive logo on my website, social media, and mailings. I have a very strong campaign, with nearly nonexistent opposition both in the primary and general, and I represent a solid Democratic district, so I am not in need of field or fundraising support. However, I do believe that I could host a Missoula-based fundraiser for other Montana Progressive Democratic candidates, including ones in more contested districts, and I would be honored to put that event together. I would also be happy to assist other progressive Dems in other ways, including in my own district! Fundraising support


  SD46 SD46
Candidate Alex Gray Shannon O'Brien
website https://alexgrayforlegislature.com/ www.ShannonForMontana.com
Facebook alexgrayforlegislature @shannon4montana
Seeking MTPD Endorsement? Yes Yes
Do you consider yourself a progressive? Yes Yes
If elected will you join the Progressive Legislative Caucus? Yes Yes
How do you define progressive? Someone who wants to rid the system of corporate money, provide universal health care through public funds, transition us away from fossil fuels. of the people, standing up for equality, change and most of all social justice
Are there specific progressive positions or issues you support or that you would like to champion?  My number one issue is getting corporate money out of politics. I would introduce a resolution to overturn Citizens United. High quality early care and education, health care, the climate crisis and affordable housing/homelessness
List ways you would like MTPD help. Fundraising support would be great. Also help in phone banking would be great as well. (blank)


  HD61 HD61
Candidate Brian Close Jim Hamilton
website https://www.briancloseforhd61.com/ (blank)
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/votecloseforhd61 Jim Hamilton for HD61
Seeking MTPD Endorsement? Yes Yes
Do you consider yourself a progressive? Yes Yes
If elected will you join the Progressive Legislative Caucus? Yes Yes
How do you define progressive? I believe that elected government exists for the purpose of improving people’s lives and not to serve financial interests or the interests of elected officials. A progressive puts people first-- including their education, physical well being, and a healthy environment Progressive,Justice,Socialist,Liberal,Environmentalist...all Democrats and overlapping in so many ways. Frankly, for simplicity, I would like the terms to mean this and not that. They just don't, in my opinion. .In my view, being a progressive is focusing on making progress in the human condition; progress in equity, fairness,compassion,tolerance as well as cooperation with our natural environment.These foci emphasize the primacy of we humans rather than institutions. We need institutions but ones built to operate from the perspective of the above principles rather than the efficiency or preservation of itself. As a progressive politician in Montana adhering to the above concepts requires some pragmatism. We can advocate for significant institutional change but must remain aware and prepared to seize the opportunity to move, in any amount,toward the goal of "human" progress.
Are there specific progressive positions or issues you support or that you would like to champion?  -- Healthcare is a right. I support single payer healthcare and will defend Montana's Medicaid expansion

-I will defend the retirement benefits of our government workers, which were ensured by the pension reforms enacted in 2013.

-I oppose tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy under the pretense of encouraging investment. That is trickle-down economics. The profit motive is more than adequate.

-I believe in local control of local matters and will oppose any effort to impose from Helena solutions on localities on the behest of corrupt interests. I support local option taxes for all localities.

-I believe in investing in people – from universal pre-school to manageable college tuition and expanded vocational programs.

-I believe we should treat the least of us with the same respect as the most fortunate of us. That we need to uplift rather than trod down. We need to fund comprehensive mental health treatment.

-I believe voting is a right and we should extend it to all eligible citizens with Automatic Voter Registration and All-Mail Balloting.

-As a tax attorney, I believe I can contribute to a fairer and more rational tax system, including property tax relief. I support repealing the Judy Martz tax cuts, which have only benefited persons making $500,000 per year and have cost taxpayers almost a billion dollars since passed. We need a more progressive tax code that still recognizes the needs of the unemployed and disabled.

-I believe we need state sponsored training, licensing, and auditing of conservators as the current system of court monitoring has proved inadequate. No elderly person, disabled person, or a minor should ever be exploited by a conservator in the state of Montana again.

— I believe in protecting our public land and guaranteeing continued public access.

-- I will sponsor legislation to require NW energy to be carbon neutral by 2035

-- Corporations are not people.I support shareholder rights, including requiring corporations to receive shareholder approval on all political spending.

-- I support the legalization of marijuana and will vote for I-182.

Equity in the tax code and property tax relief for lower income residents. This session, however, will be all about the budget which is my area of expertise. The fight for services for those in need will be intense so ultimately that will be my major, almost exclusive area of focus.
List ways you would like MTPD help. This is a primary. There is no republican or democrat in the fall. I need help with vote chasing at this stage of the campaign As my District has only a primary this year opportunities for support are limited. GOTV and any fundraising help are always appreciated


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